Targeted more than 13 thousand, all Garut Regency Government Employees Perform Mass Antigen Swab Test - Official Website of West Java Province

2022-05-14 18:45:46 By : Ms. cindy Ren

There are no polls at this time.Regency.Garut --- The Garut Regency Government (Pemdakab) began to do mass antigen swabs to all employees in the environment, Friday (13/5/2022).Public Relations of the Garut Regency COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) Yeni Yunita explained, the implementation of this antigen swab was in order to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 after the Eid 1443 Hijri holiday, in addition to increasing the number of tracing in order to reduce the level of Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from Level 2 to Level 1."The implementation of this antigen swab is a follow-up to the circular issued by the COVID-19 Task Force, in order to anticipate the spread of the virus after the Eid holiday," he said.He invited every employee in the Garut Regency Government to carry out an antigen swab which was carried out in their respective Regional Work Units (SKPD)."We invite colleagues in the SKPD to do a swab test, and if they are unable to attend because of illness or others, they can coordinate with the nearest Puskesmas, so they can get an antigen swab test service," he said.The head of the Association of Indonesian Health Centers (Apkesmi) in Garut Regency and also the Head of the Karangmulya Amilia Health Center, who carried out the antigen swab at the Garut Diskominfo office, said that his party was instructed by regional leaders to carry out testing in all SKPD."Today we are carrying out a swab that was instructed by the Regent to follow up on the implementation of PPKM in Garut Regency which has risen to level 2, where one of the factors is because our testing numbers are lacking, so the Regent instructed both members of the TNI and Polri and also ASN in Garut regency area to carry out testing," he said.He revealed, based on the results of the meeting through a zoom meeting, health workers (nakes), Garut Regency are targeted to conduct testing on 13,300 people and must be completed by May 15, 2022."We (assigned) at the Communications and Informatics Service, the target is if I'm not mistaken 60 people, right now at 9 it's still going on and there are 8 people who haven't been tested," he said.