More than 200,000 people each day are currently testing positive for coronavirus in the UK meaning testing facilities are reaching capacity and around a million people are in isolation. With case numbers not yet at their peak in this epidemic wave, the UK Government has changed tact to avoid completely overwhelming the PCR testing service and prevent public services from collapsing due to staff shortages.
On Wednesday, ministers announced that people who test positive for Covid-19 by lateral flow tests (LFT) will no longer need to confirm infection with a PCR test. This follows the UK Government’s decision last month, which Scotland and Wales has now followed, to cut isolation from 10 to seven days if individuals test negative by LFT on day six and seven. Let us consider the rationality of this approach.
Up until now PCR testing has been offered to everyone who is symptomatic, those who are asymptomatic but have returned a positive lateral flow test, or those who have been in close contact with a positive case.
This widespread testing has proven critical in tracking the virus and dissemination of new variants. PCR testing is also valuable because 1 in 2,000 LFTs will give a “false positive” so between epidemic waves, when there were less infections, it was more likely that positives could be false. However with infection rates so high now, the probability that a positive result is true has risen. It is estimated that for every 1,000 people swabbed, 41 people would accurately test positive with LFTs. Put another way, right now PCR is of little value if someone has already tested positive with an LFT.
PCR testing has also not been without reliability issues, such as those surrounding the Immensa scandal, where an estimated 43,000 infected people were given false negative PCR results. It is therefore a sensible decision to scrap confirmatory PCR testing, for now. However this must be revisited when community levels of virus drop again.
For contact tracing, PCR testing may also be inadequate. For instance, if close contacts go for a PCR test the day after the person they were with tests positive, they may test negative (as they will have only been infected for a day and their viral load low). Two days later they may develop symptoms and subsequently test positive and in the meantime will have exposed others to the virus. Instead a three day isolation period followed by a LFT test would be more appropriate and increase the likelihood of catching positive cases, without resulting in another “pingdemic”.
Additionally PCR testing for returning travellers is also being scrapped by the UK Government. Prior to the emergence of the Omicron variant, I was one voice among many that warned about how this move could expose us to the introduction of new variants. The ending of PCR testing for arrivals was eventually inevitable, but the problem is we have done it too early. High virus levels precipitate new variants, and globally cases are skyrocketing.
Infected individuals must now isolate for a reduced period of seven days since the onset of symptoms or a positive LFT, whichever happened first. Yet, it is possible that seven days later, individuals may still be infectious, so it makes sense that it is a requirement for individuals to have two negative lateral flow tests on days six and seven to end the isolation period.
However, even though LFTs are as sensitive to Omicron as to other variants, Omicron is extremely infectious so it is possible that you need less of a viral load for it to transmit. This could mean that someone testing negative by lateral flow is still infectious. Additionally, members of the scientific community are increasingly drawing attention to anecdotal (but not yet proven) evidence that a combined nose and throat swab may be more sensitive for Omicron detection than a nasal only swab; I have reverted to swabbing both areas. Without data to address whether infectious Omicron cases can be reliably detected by lateral flow, the reduced isolation requirements is a premature move.
Overall, we must welcome the move to end confirmatory PCR testing, as it will free capacity for healthcare workers and others who need to be tested regularly. However, the reduced stringency of isolation requirements is a gamble we do not yet have the data to support.
Dr Eleanor Gaunt is a Research Fellow at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh University. She did her PhD on the Clinical Correlates and Epidemiology of Respiratory Viruses and now investigates the molecular biology of influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2
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