Unregulated canine fertility clinics are producing ‘man-made’ dog breeds and selling them to the UK for as much as €100,000, Extra.ie has learned.
The revelation comes as vets warned the demand for ‘aesthetic’ designer dogs is fuelling the growth of clinics, which are using artificial insemination to produce dogs such as fluffy French bulldogs and Pomeranian-husky cross-breeds.
Posing as a UK buyer, Extra.ie contacted a canine fertility clinic in Dublin which confirmed it does produce ‘fluffy’ French bulldogs through artificial insemination. An employee also confirmed it was willing to sell the pups to the UK, and that they have sold this breed of dog for anywhere between €25,000 to €100,000 in the past.
Vets have criticised the breeding of fluffy French bulldogs because they struggle to regulate their body temperature, even more so than ordinary short-haired Frenchies.
Dr Tim Kirby said: ‘It’s a human intervention to create a dog without hair or with more hair than it normally should have.
‘They’re creating animals like that without any scientific justification for it. It’s completely for Instagram and social media because it makes no sense.
‘A lot of the breeds that we’re seeing artificial insemination done on are breeds that don’t give birth naturally. They’re dogs with inherently low fertility anyway, such as French bulldogs and other bulldog breeds.
‘And now I’m seeing a lot of the designer breeds with behaviour issues because they have underlying health problems because of how they were bred.’
Canine fertility clinics in Ireland are not regulated or subject to inspections.
However, many are carrying out procedures such as surgical insemination, blood tests, and vaginal swabs, which should only be done by specifically qualified vets.
Dr Kirby, who raised the issue at a meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine in February, said: ‘In essence, they are dungeons of misery for many animals, as the unskilled, untrained people perform invasive, unregulated acts.
‘The public will essentially decide to solve this problem or not. We can put in regulations and legislation, but the public can decide if they want to get puppies from the large, industrial-scale breeders, if they want to get them from facilities that use these surgical insemination procedures. Or they can consciously make a decision that they would rather choose a more ethical and responsible option.’
Dr Kirby was particularly concerned that fertility clinics have reportedly been performing caesarean sections and been importing and using controlled drugs which are authorised for veterinary surgeons’ use only.
Extra.ie also saw evidence of clinics in Ireland offering cytology testing to screen for foetal abnormalities, which Dr Kirby described as ‘naive’.
‘It’s very naive to think that you can just blindly interpret the result,’ he said. ‘You need the skill and the training to be able to interpret that properly and if you don’t have that scientific training, it’s very difficult to make a decision that benefits the animal.
‘People are taking these swabs and making crude assessments and aren’t aware of everything that could show up. If there was a malignant cell that came up in a swab, a lot of untrained people wouldn’t be able to detect that and you could miss a serious condition.’
Pete Wedderburn, also known as Pete the Vet through his television and media work, also expressed concern that fertility clinics offering ultrasounds miss serious medical conditions such as womb infections.
He called for more accountability for breeders who produce puppies that end up with predictable hereditary conditions later in life and for the Department of Agriculture to introduce regular inspections of fertility clinics.
The Department of Agriculture has been contacted for comment.