Ministry of Communication and Informatics

2022-09-10 02:50:42 By : Ms. Olivia Duan

Central Jakarta, Kominfo - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 11 of 2022 concerning Provisions for Domestic People's Travel during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.This SE is effective since it was signed by the Chairman of the Task Force, Suharyanto on March 8, 2022."This Circular is effective from March 8, 2022 until a later date and will be evaluated further in accordance with the latest developments in the field or the evaluation results from ministries/agencies," said Suharyanto in SE.One of the legal basis for this rule is the decision of the Limited Meeting (Ratas) on March 7, 2022. With the enactment of this SE, the SE Task Force for Handling Covid-19 Number 22 of 2021 concerning Provisions for Travel of Domestic People during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-2019) Pandemic Period 19) is revoked and declared invalid."The scope of this Circular Letter is a health protocol for Domestic Travelers (PPDN) who use all modes of transportation in all parts of Indonesia," emphasized the SE.The provisions of the health protocol contained in the SE are as follows:1. Every individual who travels is obligated to apply and comply with the 3M health protocol, namely: wearing a mask, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds, and washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizer.2. Tightening of the travel health protocol for people that needs to be carried out in the form of: a.Using a three-ply cloth mask or medical mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin;b.Changing masks regularly every four hours, and disposing of waste masks in the places provided;c.Washing hands regularly using water and soap or hand sanitizer, especially after touching objects touched by other people;d.Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people and avoid crowds;e.It is not permitted to speak one way or two ways by telephone or in person throughout the trip by public transportation modes of land, rail, sea, river, lake, ferry, and air;f.It is not allowed to eat and drink during the flight journey for a journey that is less than two hours, except for individuals who are obliged to take medicine for treatment which if not done can endanger the safety and health of the person.3. PPDN must comply with the following provisions: a.Everyone who travels by private or public vehicle is responsible for his/her own health, and is subject to and complies with the applicable terms and conditions;b.Every PPDN is required to use the PeduliLindung application as a condition for traveling domestically.c.PPDN with modes of air, sea, land transportation using private or public vehicles, crossings, and intercity trains from and to regions throughout Indonesia, the following provisions apply: 1) PPDNs that have received a second dose of vaccination or a third dose of vaccination (booster) are not required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test;2) PPDN that has received the first dose of vaccination must show a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample is taken within 3 x 24 hours or the rapid antigen test whose sample is taken within 1 x 24 hours before departure as a condition of travel;3) PPDN with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that prevent travellers from receiving vaccinations must show a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample is taken within a maximum period of 3 x 24 hours or a rapid antigen test whose sample is taken within a maximum period of 1 x 24 hours before departure as a travel requirement and a requirement to attach a doctor's certificate from a government hospital (RS) stating that the person concerned has not and/or is unable to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination;or 4) PPDN under the age of six years can travel with a travel companion and apply strict health protocols.d.Specifically for routine trips using land transportation modes using private or public vehicles, and trains in one urban agglomeration area/area are exempted from the travel requirements as regulated in letter c.4. The provisions as referred to in number 3 are excluded for pioneering modes of transportation including in border areas, 3T areas (lagging, leading, outermost), and limited shipping according to the conditions of each area.5. Every transportation mode operator is required to use the PeduliLindung application to check the travel requirements of each PPDN.6. Ministries/agencies (K/L), provincial/district/city governments that will apply special criteria and requirements regarding travel agents in their regions, may follow up by issuing other legal instruments that are in line with and do not conflict with this SE.7. Other legal instruments that regulate the specific criteria and requirements as referred to in number 6 are an integral part of this SE.The SE also mentions the following provisions regarding monitoring, control and evaluation:1. The regional Covid-19 Handling Task Force, which is assisted by the public transportation administration authority, will jointly control people's travel and safe public transportation for Covid-19 by establishing an Integrated Security Post;2. The authorities, managers and operators of public transportation shall supervise the operation of public transportation;3. Ministries/Agencies, TNI, Polri, and local governments (Pemda) have the right to stop and/or prohibit people's travel on the basis of this SE which is in harmony and does not conflict with and/or the provisions of laws and regulations;4. Authorized agencies (K/L, TNI, Polri, and local governments) carry out disciplining of Covid-19 health protocols and law enforcement in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations;5. Public transportation administration authorities and/or officers examining negative certificates for RT-PCR tests or rapid antigen tests as travel requirements are required to verify the validity of certificates based on the name of the Covid-19 network laboratory and health facilities registered with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) for prevent falsification of test results certificate;and6. Falsification of the RT-PCR or rapid antigen test results certificate, doctor's certificate, and other travel certificates used as travel requirements for people will be subject to sanctions in accordance with statutory regulations.The president asked the ranks of the mining companies to be careful in managing the management in it because it would have an impact onHead of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Abdullah Azwar Anas said the President requested that his party simplify the Read MoreOf all incoming products, Suharso said the government encourages domestic products with the level of domestic components (TKDN) t.The President instructed Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin to immediately provide a monkeypox vaccine.MoreDisclaimer: You are using Google Translate.The Ministry of CI is not responsible for the accuracy of information in the translated language.Powered by GoogleDisclaimer: You are using Google Translate.The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is not responsible for the accuracy of the information in the translated language