In a new study, Cornell researchers found that nasopharyngeal swabs – taken from far back inside the nostril – were more effective at detecting COVID-19 than saliva tests or swabs just inside the nostril or under the tongue.
The researchers also found that detection rates wer
Face masks in bulk. (Amazon and Walmart)
As Omicron and other COVID-19 variants continue to hang on, causing wave after wave of illness, many people are making sure to restock their face mask supply. You don’t want to be caught short of them, especially in the colder months as more peo
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The two multiplex tests are developed using LumiraDx's qSTAR single-step nucleic acid extraction and amplification technology.
LumiraDx has obtained CE mark for two Fast Lab Solutions multiplex tests, SARS-CoV-2 & Flu A/B RNA STAR Complete and Dual-Target SARS-CoV-2 STAR Complete.
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In a recent study published in Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, researchers ass
The results of a recent DNA test involving a woman killed over 30 years ago implicates a man previously found not guilty of the crime, prosecutors say.
The Innocence Project of New York requested the DNA test to seek to clear his name.
Pamela Albertson, a groomer at a Pompano Beach
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - In order to support the COVID-19 handling program in Indonesia, NU CARE-LAZISNU handed over ventilator assistance to Gatot Soebroto RSPAD Jakarta.The assistance of the two ventilator units was immediately received by the Head of the Gatot Soebroto RSPAD, Lieutenant Gener
Death certificates have proven notoriously inaccurate for a variety of reasons, usually because they are incomplete and/or the certifier doesn’t really know the patient’s medical history. (See our previous article, "Death Certificate Only? Not the Death of Your Case".) Ev
Globally, IVF cycles exceed 2.5 million each year
About 1 out of 6 couples are struggling to conceive and it can become a very frustrating journey to find the help you need. Most of the time, women have to wait 12 to 18 months before they can have their first appointment with a fertility